Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nowheristan in five simple questions

What is Nowheristan?
It is the solution to all economic, political, social and philosophical problems humanity has been facing since the concept of civilization emerged.

Where is Nowheristan?
Everywhere. Nowheristan is the first step towards Everywheristan.

Why is Nowheristan a necessity?
For establishing a Nation where races and identities are considered as a source of enlightenment rather than coercive threats, is our only chance to know peace.

Who will make from Nowheristan a reality?
The Nowheristanis; no matter where they live, what the color of their skin is and what their believes are.

When will Nowheristan become real?
Soon. Peoples of the world will soon lead the Global Revolution and pave the way for the establishment of a world government.

Post by HIH Michel I of Nowheristan on the Arab Summit Kuwait ‘09 blog

HIH Michel I of Nowheristan was invited to participate in the Arab Economic, Social and Development Summit hosted by the State of Kuwait on January 19th-20th 2009 and attended by Arab presidents, kings and decision-makers. This is HIH’s contribution that was also published on both the Summit website and newsletter. It answers some of the region’s main economic questionings within the framework of the Summit’s central theme: “The Aspirations of the Arab People”.

“The Arab world is one of the world’s regions that suffer the most from all sorts of problems. There are two ways of approaching those; either though repairing their effects or through attacking their sources. And I am a fervent enemy of TINA (Margaret Thatcher’s There Is No Alternative). I believe human spirit should dare to opt for innovation and to think out of the box.

This is the reason why we need to find solutions for the two main problems that our Arab world is today facing; on one hand, the profound disparities between the rich and the poor and the feeling of powerlessness in front of Israel’s injustice, on the other. A global revolution that would redraft the ruling systems in the Arab world seems to me as the only chance for this region to develop as is the case in other societies.

This might seem like an unreachable Utopia, but as Oscar Wilde once said “progress only lies in the realization of utopias”. I do know this can also be painful, but giving birth always comes with labor. The ruling castes need to understand that their survival depends on how many concessions they are bound to give to their citizens, they need to realize they no longer can satisfy those with the few crumbs of the opulence and feasts they have been taking pleasure in for decades. Governments can no longer idly watch Israel’s policies in the region nor can they collaborate with it in worse cases.

Times we now live in have made from ethics an obsolete principle, especially when it comes to economy. I pledge for the return of economy in the meadow of Human Sciences. And I dare to speak of the ethics of resistance for resistance is the duty of every free spirit under occupation. Our duty is, before any other thing, to fight both forms of occupation that today alienate our Arab world; first, misery for it generates ignorance, violence and fanaticism and second Zionism for it is today destroying the image of Arab people and their self esteem, as well as their human and economic cultures and heritages.”

A note by HIH Michel I of Nowheristan in the light of the conflict in Gaza

The system of competition that has always opposed races, religions and nations has been threatening Humanity, every now and then, with persistent dangers; the rise of ferocious monsters, new Gengis Khans and Napoleons wanting to spread their rule over the entire world, and the rise of demagogic ideologies, from the Nazis’ national socialism to today’s neo-conservatives, wanting to drive masses into collective madness…
What we are today witnessing in the Middle-East is another resultant of this dysfunctional system for Israel is slaughtering hundreds of children in front of the world’s powerless eyes.
Establishing a world government that ensures the principle of universal equality, laying the foundations of a more human economy, guaranteeing the distribution of wealth and fighting power monopoly through entrusting decision making to a respectable Senate of Elders are therefore the unique guarantees for “better tomorrows”.

(January 13th 2009)

A note by HIH Michel I of Nowheristan- New Year/Conflict in Gaza

Dear Nowheristani sisters and brothers,
First, I would like to address you my wishes for a promising year ahead.

What was happening on New Year’s Eve, and is sadly still going on shows to which extent the Great Empire of Nowheristan is now a pressing urge in order to counter the world’s impunity and capableness.

All Organizations, States, Councils and Institutions that have lured the world for decades pretending to defend the people’s rights have been proven both “UN-capable” and futile for the bloodshed is the same, it only wears different masks.
Empires and governments rise, others fall, time passes by and yesterday’s sheep often become today’s wolves…In this prevailing system, those with whom we sympathize for their rights are violated will act like their oppressors as soon as they take over power, as the rule still is “eat or be eaten”.
Since the beginning of history, the picture has been the same, only it actors alter.
From the media wars of images, to all profit-driven institutions and groups of special interest, our world has always opposed a weak to a stronger, while humanity is invited to assist, helplessly, to the show.
That is why the solution lies in the establishment of the Great Empire of Nowheristan where there is no space for bipolarity or the eternal conflict of two opposing axes. This does not mean we will fall in the trap of a totalitarian and centralized regime as decision making is to be entrusted to a meritocratically elected Senate of Elders for we do believe that “safety is in the multitude of counselors”.

The topple of all ruling governments by pacific means and the establishment of a world government is our only chance to finally abolish all principles of territorial sovereignty, identities and borders for all are part of a system that has always generated misery, wars, racism and all sorts of injustices that every free spirit should condemn.
Days of sorrow have come to their end for change is now looming ahead. Nowheristan is today’s dream and tomorrow’s reality, I call upon you all to embrace it.

(January 3rd 2009)